Category: Restaurant/Hospitality Resumes
Before Posting Your Resume Online…
Posting your resume online sometimes means giving up more control over your personal and professional information than you may have thought. Before posting your resume online, here are a few things you should think about and/or do in order to protect yourself and your job if you are currently employed.
Submitting A Resume – DIY
Want to start off on the right foot when applying for a job? Then DO NOT have your spouse, girl/boyfriend, significant other, or whatever submit your resume or call about job opportunities.
The Details – Your Email Address
Project the image of a professional hospitality/restaurant manager or chef. Be serious and get yourself a serious email address for your resume and job search communications.
Proofread Your Resume
Your resume is your best first impression and indicates to employers among other things your attention to detail. Computers make it easy to create your resume and even easier to make typos, which don’t leave a good first impression.