Author: Tips
Dress Like The Hospitality Professional That You Are!!
No matter what the interview setting, ALWAYS make sure you are portraying a professional image of your skills and of your self. Dress for success!!
Before Posting Your Resume Online…
Posting your resume online sometimes means giving up more control over your personal and professional information than you may have thought. Before posting your resume online, here are a few things you should think about and/or do in order to protect yourself and your job if you are currently employed.
Things To Be Aware Of When Working With A Headhunter
Though a Headhunter’s ultimate goal is to place good managers and chefs with good restaurants and hospitality companies, there are couple of things job candidates should be aware of and understand when working with an independent recruiter.
Hospitality & Restaurant Career Fairs
Career Fairs (aka Job Fairs) offer you two great opportunities that you won’t find anywhere else. The first, and most obvious, is the chance to meet face-to-face and interview with multiple restaurants or hotels in one place. The second, less obvious opportunity, is the chance to quickly improve and hone your interviewing skills.
Submitting A Resume – DIY
Want to start off on the right foot when applying for a job? Then DO NOT have your spouse, girl/boyfriend, significant other, or whatever submit your resume or call about job opportunities.